Linking Business to Network

To integrate the linking of a business with an external point-of-sale system, SimpleFi provides a linking URL. The business accessing the linking URL from the external system must have a SimpleFi account and be authenticated in the SimpleFi backoffice in the browser session they are using.

Structure of the URL

The user must be redirected to the URL:

Including the query string parameters:



Reference Name of the Merchant Network


Reference ID of the Business in the External System

URL ejemplo:

Linking Approval

The user accessing the indicated URL will see the SimpleFi application. If they were correctly authenticated in the browser, they will be taken directly to the merchant linking screen; otherwise, they will access the 'login' section to authenticate.

Once inside, the user will be asked to confirm the linking of their business in SimpleFi with the network requesting the connection. If they accept, a request is sent to the backend, which in turn sends this information to a webhook provided by the point-of-sale system to notify the linking of a business.

Webhook to Notify Linking

The point-of-sale system must provide an endpoint of its API to receive notifications of merchant linking. The information sent by SimpleFi to this endpoint will have the following format:

"network": "misistemadepuntodeventa", // provisto vía querystring
"network_merchant_id": "123123",  // provisto vía querystring
"sf_api_key": "API_KEY",
"sf_merchant_id": "ObjectId()"

The API of the point-of-sale system must find the merchant based on the network_merchant_id in its database and store the provided api_key to make requests from its system on behalf of the linked merchant. If the api_key is found and stored, SimpleFi will expect to receive a '200' code to confirm to the user that the linking was successful. If it is unable to store this api_key linked to a merchant in its system, it should respond with a 404 or another corresponding error (>=400).

Last updated